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0 / 2,324
34.3 Mb
0 / 2,898
28.3 Mb
0 / 3,332
76.2 Mb
jamovi Solid
Handy application that will help deal with large quantities of numbers and generate statistics.
0 / 2,500
268 Mb
0 / 2,430
95.7 Mb
0 / 5,500
342 Mb
0 / 10,809
464 Mb
Offline Map Maker 8.295
A reliable application that lets you download maps provided by Google, Bing, Yahoo!, or OpenStreetMap with a a built-in map viewer
0 / 5,133
19.8 Mb
111 / 89,364
0.25 Mb
Fritzing 1.0.2 Commercialware
An open-source environment for Arduino and other electronic-based prototypes documentation, sharing, teaching and more
1179 / 78,425
179 Mb
109 / 71,007
8.6 Mb
46 / 58,990
59.5 Mb
75 / 45,798
20.6 Mb
72 / 24,440
1.4 Mb
71 / 23,360
27.75 Mb
VirtualBreadboard (VBB) 6.0.7
Develop microcontroller based applications with this reliable and effective Breadboard circuit emulator
323 / 23,200
13.7 Mb
66 / 22,061
0.31 Mb
54 / 19,688
14.2 Mb
85 / 15,773
4.7 Mb
48 / 14,703
9.57 Mb
105 / 14,435
0.8 Mb
PAST 4.03
A robust data analysis application for processing statistical data, calculating several statistical indicators and generating graphs
146 / 12,097
8.2 Mb
101 / 11,938
34.4 Mb
JBirthdays 0.4.20
A lightweight utility that allows you to manage and keep track of important birth dates
88 / 11,064
2.2 Mb
31 / 10,870
14.89 Mb
128 / 10,811
464 Mb
World POI Database 4.1
Access a comprehensive list of cities and points of interest that can be viewed and exported to XLS, CSV, KML, and GPX formats
85 / 9,206
4.3 Mb
56 / 7,990
25.2 Mb