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0 / 2,324
34.3 Mb
0 / 2,898
28.3 Mb
0 / 3,332
76.2 Mb
jamovi Solid
Handy application that will help deal with large quantities of numbers and generate statistics.
0 / 2,500
268 Mb
0 / 2,430
95.7 Mb
0 / 5,500
342 Mb
0 / 10,809
464 Mb
Offline Map Maker 8.295
A reliable application that lets you download maps provided by Google, Bing, Yahoo!, or OpenStreetMap with a a built-in map viewer
0 / 5,133
19.8 Mb
32 / 7,840
6.07 Mb
75 / 7,732
119 Mb
81 / 7,676
45.2 Mb
49 / 7,462
102 Mb
GeoGebra 6.0.823.0
An open-source mathematics application that can be used to help you with algebra, geometry, and/or calculus
61 / 7,328
112 Mb
Cytoscape 3.10.0
A feature-rich application that enables you to view and analyze molecular interaction networks
108 / 7,273
219 Mb
66 / 6,997
248 Mb
TNTatlas 2022 Build 20221130
Load and analyze geodata information stored in a variety of formats with some help from this handy program
84 / 6,796
58.6 Mb
ExpertGPS 8.56
Take complete control of your Garmin, Magellan, or Lawrence GPS system with this convenient and easy to use application
50 / 6,573
13.5 Mb
36 / 6,397
42.1 Mb
81 / 6,369
7 Mb
Epubor Ultimate 3.0.16 Build 105
A reliable piece of software you can use to convert DRM-signed or DRM-free books to various formats for eBook reading devices
119 / 6,178
111 Mb
57 / 6,156
42.3 Mb
36 / 6,095
44.4 Mb
35 / 6,067
55.4 Mb
81 / 5,984
8.5 Mb
LTspice 17.1.15
Simulate switching regulators and analog circuits with this handy to have application for electronics engineers
47 / 5,929
61.5 Mb
40 / 5,917
86.1 Mb
28 / 5,878
2.2 Mb
Sante DICOM Editor 10.0.6
View, edit, and/or analyze DICOM files with this efficient and reliable application developed for medical personnel
64 / 5,869
163 Mb