Download Chromium 123.0.6291.0
File: chrome-win-x86.exe (99.50 Mb)Chromium can be downloaded from its external mirrors or from our own cloud mirrors. All the files come in their original forrm, as intended by the developer. We do not alter or repack the files in any way, the files from the BytesIn mirrors are simply re-downloaded and added to the cloud for more accesibility and download speed.
This is the latest version of Chromium, as communicated by the author or taken from its official website.
If you encounter any problems in accessing the download mirrors for Chromium, please check your firewall settings or close your download manager.
Chromium is offered as a free download.
Chromium Download Overview
Chromium is an open-source web browser that serves as the foundation for Chrome. The two web browsers are very similar, but you could say that Chromium is a lighter version of Chrome.
To use Chromium you have to unpack and run it. Its settings are stored in the “Chrome” folder and the user settings are located in the “Profile” folder.
Note: Chromium can be flagged as infected/malware by some antivirus and antispyware applications even if the program is safe and harmless to your system. The erroneous detection can derive from an incorrect virus signature or heuristics.
- Shortcuts for applications.
- New tab page is provided.
- Dynamic tabs are supported.
- Crash control capability.
- Provides Incognito mode.
- Safe browsing and instant bookmarks are offered.
- Import settings option.
- Easy downloads.