Software Development
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0 / 1,057
28.2 Mb
0 / 1,746
334 Mb
Docker 4.27.2
A collection of components and GUI that lets you build and run distributed multi-platform application installers
0 / 2,318
524 Mb
0 / 4,972
459 Mb
Microsoft PIX 2402.07
Specifically designed for game developers, this Microsoft-signed application enables you to debug and tune DirectX 12 games on your Windows PC
0 / 1,560
168 Mb
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2023.3.4 Build 233.14475.28
A handy application, that helps developers to create and debug mobile and web apps
0 / 3,680
546 Mb
Racket 8.12
A dynamic and comprehensive programming environment designed for the Racket language code
0 / 2,808
82.7 Mb
0 / 1,518
11.6 Mb
81 / 6,386
32.4 Mb
Chilkat Python Encryption Library
Easy-to-use program that supports encrypting and decrypting for strings and binary data.
8 / 862
4.7 Mb
Obsidium Lite 1.7.5 Build 3
A must have application for all developers that need various security measures, set distributions, and usage rules.
14 / 994
8.7 Mb
RStudio 461
Effective application that integrates many tools that were optimized for the R language.
3 / 713
169 Mb
MindFusion.Diagramming for WinForms 6.8.6
Comprehensive Library to help make designing and building diagram or flowcharts.
4 / 646
53.9 Mb
Metasploit Framework 6.3.56
Useful framework in order to test for potential exploit vulnerabilities.
11 / 753
328 Mb
Apache POI 5.2.3 Build 20220909
Useful set of Java API for creating apps to load data from Excel documents or PowerPoint presentations.
4 / 914
58.1 Mb
2 / 846
185 Mb
SmartSVN Professional 14.3.1
A practical and efficient utility software for managing and organizing various directories.
3 / 770
35.5 Mb
8 / 749
8 Mb
TRichView for Delphi 22.2.0
Great collectio of Delphi/C++Builder components for users that need to implement them into their software.
5 / 739
115 Mb
Apache Maven 3.9.6
Reliable time saving application that was designed to make building Java application more efficient.
4 / 845
9.1 Mb
Visual Studio Code 1.86.2
Powerful IDE that supports the use of snippets for reducing the time spent writing code.
14 / 1,656
94.4 Mb
Groovy 4.0.18
Powerful programming language that will help developers create appealing GUI or web apps.
5 / 725
28.4 Mb
14 / 1,485
19.1 Mb
VisionLab VCL
Useful software with many library sets for cameras that are able to record static, and motion picture.
4 / 484
1740.8 Mb
IPython 8.21.0
Useful program that provides a comprehensive environment for testing and exploring a number of functions.
2 / 462
0.771484 Mb
JxBrowser 7.37.1
Useful set of tools for developers that want to implement web browsing capabilities into their Java projects.
39 / 900
550 Mb
22 / 921
3.9 Mb
Spices.Net Decompiler
Powerful pack filled with features for .NET developers that need to convert .NET binaries to well-optimized source code.
20 / 627
15.5 Mb