Components & Libraries

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InterBase Data Access Components 9.0.0
Powerful component library to help programmers design more streamlined database apps.
3 / 899
31.3 Mb
Universal Data Access Components 10.0.0
Useful component library that provides users with a way of accessing databases from their preferred programming environment.
3 / 691
129 Mb
SQL Server Data Access Components 11.0.0
Powerful component library for deploying apps without any effort.
4 / 522
37 Mb
Chilkat Python Encryption Library
Easy-to-use program that supports encrypting and decrypting for strings and binary data.
8 / 862
4.7 Mb
RStudio 461
Effective application that integrates many tools that were optimized for the R language.
3 / 713
169 Mb
TRichView for Delphi 22.2.0
Great collectio of Delphi/C++Builder components for users that need to implement them into their software.
5 / 739
115 Mb
PostgresDAC 3.12.0
Set of components for users to create applications in Delphi or C++ Builders.
19 / 749
46.3 Mb
Go 1.22.0
Reliable programming language for increasing productivity and simplifying work.
27 / 1,640
56.8 Mb
Xojo / Real Studio Plug-ins 24.0
Complex software package that offers a wide variety of enhancements and additional functions that work with Xojo.
14 / 1,211
901 Mb
VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK
Powerful image processing toolkit for .NET developers.
21 / 962
164 Mb
HXTT DBF 7.1.244
One of the best set of components for Xbase database JDBC drivers
34 / 1,997
1.8 Mb
HXTT Access 7.1.244
Useful library for developing a small footprint transactional-oriented database engine.
37 / 1,994
3.1 Mb
Amazon ElastiCache Command Line Toolkit 2.15.18
A useful collection of tools with a wide variety of utilities to help programmers and software developers.
17 / 961
19.3 Mb
Qt 6.5.0
A great program that over plenty of right tool when you need to start making your own application projects
28 / 1,606
41 Mb
Babel Obfuscator
A great program to secure anything that contains .NET scripts
41 / 2,294
71.5 Mb
CTrayNotifyIcon 1.77
Create and test system tray icons for development and functionality purposes with the help of this lightweight and simple program.
20 / 1,867
0.0859375 Mb
Comprehensive operating system detection class to get various information on the OS
23 / 1,457
1.5 Mb
AccessImagine 1.74
A practical application that lets you efficiently process and store images in your Microsoft Access or SQL database projects
26 / 7,329
1.8 Mb
Active Sound Studio 2020
A versatile software bundle that provides ActiveX controls you can use to add sound recording and editing functionality to other programs
27 / 6,953
25.1 Mb
.Net DLL/WSDL Importer for Delphi
Import .Net DLL/WSDL into Delphi and quickly generate Delphi classes from imported assemblies
40 / 1,534
151 Mb