Another privacy breach hits Facebook, gets fined $1.3B

The parent company of Facebook, known as Meta, has encountered a substantial breach concerning the privacy of its users. This unfortunate event has led to a significant financial penalty. The company must pay a whopping $1.3 billion, the highest fine ever handed out for violations of the stringent privacy regulations enforced by Europe, namely the GDPR. Sources from The Wall Street Journal has corroborated this information. The formal announcement regarding this significant development will be released to the public later in the day.

Facebook’s private data is at risk again

At the heart of Facebook’s international operations lie its primary data centers in the United States. These facilities play a pivotal role in handling data from users spread across various corners of the world, including Europe. In a typical scenario, user data from these regions is relayed to servers stationed in the US for further processing. Meta, the overseeing entity, utilizes this data to decipher user interests. This information is then employed to customize ads, ensuring they align closely with the users’ preferences, and these personalized ads are then strategically placed within user feeds.

Previously, this practice of data transfer was considered lawful for citizens residing in the European Union. This approval was made possible under an established agreement known as the Privacy Shield. The primary objective of this arrangement was to guarantee enhanced privacy protections for European users, even when their data was undergoing processing on American soil.

However, this was reevaluated later on by privacy lawmakers and considered illegal.

Unaffected by the changes, Meta persisted in sending the data belonging to European Union citizens to its servers in the United States. The company continued to extract valuable insights from this data for tailoring ads. Despite these ongoing actions, the European Union issued an authoritative directive to Meta. The directive explicitly commanded the company to discontinue these practices. However, Meta chose not to adhere to this directive and maintained its course.

Meta issued a statement suggesting that if it was not permitted to carry on with its data transfer methods, it would have no choice but to discontinue Facebook services for European users.

However, such a claim appeared far-fetched and quite unbelievable. By imposing the hefty fine, the European Union has demonstrated that it is not susceptible to such scare tactics. The EU has taken a resolute stand, clarifying that it won’t succumb to any form of intimidation or pressure.

A record fine

The fine that Meta has been subjected to overshadows the previous highest penalty under the General Data Protection Regulation. That former record fine was 746 million euros, roughly $806 million. It was imposed on the giant online retailer Amazon by Luxembourg in 2021. The substantial fine was violations related to Amazon’s advertising practices, which were deemed to infringe upon privacy rights.