4.2.1MuseScore: A feature packed music composition and notation software.
A feature packed music composition and notation software.MuseScore is an easy to use yet powerful music scorewriter. MuseScore is a WYSIWYG editor, complete with support for score playback and import/export of MusicXML and standard MIDI files.
Percussion notation is supported, as is direct printing from the program. The program has a clean user interface, with fast note editing input similar to the step-time note entry found in the popular commercial Scorewriting software packages, Finale and Sibelius.
MuseScore is able to import and export from many different music formats, including MIDI and MusicXML, as well as the importing of files from the commercial music arranging software, such as Band-in-a-Box.
It is able to produce engraved output as a PDF, SVG or PNG document, or alternatively, music can be exported to LilyPond for subsequent tweaking of the output.
MuseScore features :
- WYSIWYG editing
- Wizard Setup functions
- Unlimited number of staves
- 4 voices (or parts) per staff
- Easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or MIDI
- Import and export Music XML
- Automatic note head positioning
- Drum notation included
- Cross Staff beaming ability
- Unlimited time and key changes
- Pickup note measure supported
- Slur editing
- Unlimited Lyrics
- Unlimited Chord names
- Grace Notes
- Part extraction
- Plugins are supported!
- Midi/XML/PNG Export
- Mixer function
- Soundfont capable
- Partial interpretation of Expressions and repeats
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104.00 Mb
Jan 24, 2024
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