3.6.8BugTracker.NET: Flexible, open-source bug tracking tool
Flexible, open-source bug tracking toolBugTracker.NET is an open-source application for bug tracking and issue tracking in general. This free tool is robust, powerful but also flexible.
A large number of developers and support teams are using BugTracker.NET on a daily basis as their go-to bug tracking tool. It works right out of the box with its default settings – accesible even at first use. Nevertheless, it does include a plethora of options and settings that let you customize it to a great extent, should you ever need to.
- Extremely versatile bug & issue tracker tool that can be configured for a large variety of purposes for small, medium and large businesses
- E-mail is integrated with the tracker. You can configure it to add all incoming e-mails into the database, from a specified e-mail address
- Text and criteria-based search function
- Built-in screenshot tool with option to add annotations
- Lets you set custom fields and lists
- Option to receive notitfications via e-mail when new bugs are added and/or old ones are modified (you can even set up to receive notifications only for certain bugs)
- The application can be „skinned” (to incorporate brand names, logos, custom URLs...etc.) using CSS and/or custom HTML
- Integrates with Git, Subversion and Mercurial
- Includes time tracking function
- Integrates with LDAP/Active Directory
- Lets you post bugs by phone, by recording calls as .wav files and using them to make a transcript
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2.20 Mb
Dec 30, 2019
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