Software Development
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0 / 1,746
334 Mb
Docker 4.27.2
A collection of components and GUI that lets you build and run distributed multi-platform application installers
0 / 2,318
524 Mb
0 / 4,972
459 Mb
Microsoft PIX 2402.07
Specifically designed for game developers, this Microsoft-signed application enables you to debug and tune DirectX 12 games on your Windows PC
0 / 1,560
168 Mb
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2023.3.4 Build 233.14475.28
A handy application, that helps developers to create and debug mobile and web apps
0 / 3,680
546 Mb
Racket 8.12
A dynamic and comprehensive programming environment designed for the Racket language code
0 / 2,808
82.7 Mb
44 / 1,885
41.5 Mb
EditPlus 5.7 Build 4581
One of the best text editors that comes with many features and manages to replace the old Notepad.
59 / 1,880
2.4 Mb
Closure Compiler 20231112
A useful compiler for optimizing JavaScript code by removing dead code areas, verifying the syntax and the variable references
23 / 1,875
13.4 Mb
Nova Studio 7.32 CodeDOM 7.44
A powerful software to help advanced users perform various tasks across multiple projects
30 / 1,873
3.2 Mb
CTrayNotifyIcon 1.77
Create and test system tray icons for development and functionality purposes with the help of this lightweight and simple program.
20 / 1,867
0.0859375 Mb
An advanced solution for debugging hardware interface supporting a wide array of freescale microcontrollers
25 / 1,847
179 Mb
Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard 1.0.1908.19003
A streamlined Microsoft application that lets you easily install Windows 10 IoT Core on your IoT devices
22 / 1,845
0.504883 Mb
dispy 4.15.1
Execute parallel computations in a cluster, grid, or cloud with this comprehensive framework for Python
23 / 1,837
0.404297 Mb
27 / 1,836
1331.2 Mb
1 / 1,832
11.6 Mb
Janino 3.1.12
A small Java embedded compiler that can compile a set of source files to a set of class files and other useful tasks
23 / 1,825
0.911133 Mb
VisualFiles Script Editor 2023.08.11.1527
A programmer's editor for VisualFiles scripts, providing support for both VFS and TXT files, with syntax highlighting and other similar features
26 / 1,808
2.6 Mb
27 / 1,804
3.1 Mb
Adobe Character Animator CC 2024 Build 24.0
Create flawless animations for Android and iOS mobile platforms
27 / 1,804
2.3 Mb
Big Faceless PDF Library 2.28.3
A powerful and feature-rich Java class library for viewing, editing and signing PDF files
12 / 1,801
16 Mb
JArchitect 2024.1.0
Complex tool for helping users analyze Java code to improve the overall quality.
0 / 1,791
0.375977 Mb