ABCpdf .NET .NET: Useful .NET development tool to help create PDF documents with ease.
ABCpdf .NET is a .NET development tool that was designed to be integrated into the web browser and standalone apps in order for the user to create PDF documents with little effort, and the package comes with a series of DLL files that were made for quick deployment.The tool also comes with a virtualized COM interface that is able to be used for backward compatibility with ABCpdf ASP and Classic ASP/COM and is suitable for ASP, VB.NET, C#, and ASP. NET, and projects that are supported by other programming languages, while also being -threaded, in order to be deployed under COM+, MTS, or .NET Enterprise Services.
The program also supports different filetypes, including HTML and CSS, and they can be imported from either local or remote websites. (e.g. You will be able to use Chrome, Firefox, or IE style conversion), and for graphical content, you will be able to work with BMP, PNG, EXIF, JPEG, GIF, JPEG, 2000, Photoshop PSD, PSB, EPS, TIFF, HDR, etc.
ABCpdf .NET is a helpful .NET development tool that can be integrated into the web browser and other standalone apps to make it easier for the end-users to create PDF documents.
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Trial ($329)
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515.00 Mb
Feb 01, 2024
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