Download paint.net 5.0.12 (5.12.8735.38135)
File: paint.net.4.1.6.install.zip (0.73 Mb)paint.net can be downloaded from its external mirrors or from our own cloud mirrors. All the files come in their original forrm, as intended by the developer. We do not alter or repack the files in any way, the files from the BytesIn mirrors are simply re-downloaded and added to the cloud for more accesibility and download speed.
This is the latest version of paint.net, as communicated by the author or taken from its official website.
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paint.net is offered as a free download.
paint.net Download Overview
Paint.NET is a free image editing application that lets you manipulate photos and images using a comprehensive set of features.
To install the app you will need .NET Framework installed on your PC, although Paint.NET’s setup will install it if you don’t have it already.
You can easily set up file associations and benefit from basic editing tools such as crop, rotate, and cut, but also advanced options such as working with multiple layers, clone stamping and picking colors.
Among Paint.NET’s noteworthy features there is full keyboard support which allows users to perform any provided action using hotkeys. Furthermore, the program bundles various effects and adjustments including layer editing, sharpen, blur, color inversion, distort, image sketch, fractals and so on.