Other Utilities

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Windows Device Recovery Tool 3.14.7501
Easily restore your smartphone Windows OS if you experienced crashes or errors during a Windows 8, 8.1, or 10 upgrade
27 / 5,995
2.3 Mb
Remove all traces of USB drives from Windows registry
66 / 5,941
2.3 Mb
Autopsy 4.19.3
Investigate your computer with the help of this tool
67 / 5,846
1228.8 Mb
NVIDIA GeForce Experience
A simple way to have the latest drivers and NVIDIA recommended settings for the best gaming experience
65 / 5,814
125 Mb
Epi Info
Epi Info is a series of freely distributable programs for use by public health professionals in conducting outbreak investigations, managing databases for public health surveillance and other tasks, and general database and statistics applications.
92 / 5,721
72.2 Mb
BatteryCare is a software created to optimize the usage and performance of the modern laptop's battery.
64 / 5,715
2.6 Mb
Driver Booster PRO
Driver Booster – Keeps your drivers up to date, automatically
57 / 5,694
28.2 Mb
Cameyo 3.1.1530
Virtualize the running of various applications on your computer, so you won’t need to install them
66 / 5,456
14.7 Mb
GTKWave 3.3.117
A practical and reliable application that allows you to view Unix and Win32 waves easily
58 / 5,426
3.3 Mb
Window On Top Portable 2.1
A small and simple application that lets you force windows to stay on top
60 / 5,340
0.461914 Mb
PC App Store 5.0.1
Keep your software updated constantly
131 / 5,322
22.5 Mb
Rocrail 13-02-2024 Revision 4211
An open source and accessible Model Railroad Control System for controlling your model railroads with ease
33 / 5,115
23.8 Mb
Dism++ 10.1.1002.1
A functional GUI for the DISM command-line tool with extra features
74 / 5,066
3.6 Mb
gpsim 0.31.0
Accurate, fast, open source and powerful simulation application that was specially developed for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers
45 / 4,986
9.6 Mb
An effective solution to prevent Windows from tracking your online activities that turns off related settings
51 / 4,734
2.4 Mb
UVK (Ultra Virus Killer)
Bundles advanced tools for cleaning, boosting and optimizing your system.
45 / 4,646
24.5 Mb
StartIsBack 2.9.20 for Win10
Get back the classic Start Menu in Windows 8
80 / 4,565
1.5 Mb
YUMI Legacy
Make a multisystem USB flash drive with multi boot support
15 / 4,560
1.6 Mb
Worship Him Power / Lite Edition
Create custom video presentations for churches.
46 / 4,539
201 Mb
LeoMoon CPU-V 2.0.4
Check whether or not your computer supports virtualization technology by viewing CPU, and operating system architecture, as well as VT-x status
73 / 4,515
1.1 Mb