Other Utilities

Coolmuster Android Assistant 5.0.101
Reliable solution for transfering important data from the mobile to the computer for safekeeping.
14 / 1,014
23.7 Mb

24 / 2,309
0.0683594 Mb

FirmwareTablesView 1.02
Reliable program for reviewing and examining the data that is stored within the firmware tables on the users PC.
15 / 1,252
0.0488281 Mb

RegistryChangesView 1.30
Useful utility software for viewing modifications that are made at the registry level.
12 / 938
0.0791016 Mb

MyPhoneExplorer 2.1.0
Handy application that gives users the possibility to easily explore their phones.
19 / 1,239
19.4 Mb

Product Key Scanner 1.02
Useful application for users that want to find their miss placed product key.
26 / 2,485
0.0634766 Mb

OpenedFilesView 1.91
Useful application for users that want to check all the currently opened files and see all the information about them.
7 / 640
0.0732422 Mb

Battery Mode
Efficient application that will make sure users will forget the default Windows battery indicator.
19 / 1,568
2.6 Mb

18 / 1,780
0.0498047 Mb

ReShade 6.0.1
Great utility to improve the look for older games that do not support the technologies of newer graphics card.
12 / 1,504
3.5 Mb

PropertySystemView 1.20
Handy program for viewing and editing the properties of files on the system.
11 / 1,141
0.0712891 Mb

OpenCloseDriveEject 3.21
Reliable application that provides users with a quick solution for opening, closing, and ejecting all sorts of drives connected to their PC.
16 / 980
0.295898 Mb

15 / 953
0.0605469 Mb

BatteryInfoView 1.25
Handy program to view detailed information about the life and battery of a laptop.
15 / 1,432
0.112305 Mb

15 / 1,096
137 Mb

ControlMyMonitor 1.37
Efficient software for providing users with a more convenient way of tweaking the settings of their computer's monitor.
15 / 1,379
0.0742188 Mb

RMPrepUSB 2.1.746
Useful application for users that need help creating a bootable disk from their USB drives.
18 / 1,360
9.7 Mb

CredHistView 1.01
Useful solution to see the contents of the The purpose of this application is to help users easily decrypt the CREDHIST file of their system and view the hashes of previous passwords in Windows. Decrypting the CREDHIST file will result in all the has
15 / 1,724
0.0537109 Mb

ProduKey 1.97
Useful tool for showing all the product keys for most of the applications installed on the computer.
11 / 840
0.132812 Mb