Alternate Archiver
4.520Alternate Archiver: Powerful file manager with filters, bulk renaming, archiving, shredding, cleanup, synchronization, log details, and other useful features
Alternate Archiver is a robust and intuitive file management tool that includes some handy features allowing you to perform various file operations. The friendly layout is perfect for all times of users, regardless of prior experience with similar applications.Users can browse disk directories and see the files they contain, but also filter them by format. Alternate Archiver will display information like the file’s name, size, type, date and last modfication. You can reorder files by any of the above mentioned criteria.
There’s a batch renaming function, as well as the possibility to compress them into archives with a few options to customize the action such as message confirmation, the possibility to delete the source files and taking subdirectory creation into account.
With Alternate Archiver you can also edit the date and time stamps, sync content between two folders with custom rules and send files as email attachment through the built-in client. Furthermore, you can erase data (beyond any possibility of recovery), clean files that match particular extensions, undo actions, verify log details with errors and much more.
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4.30 Mb
Feb 14, 2024
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